Dangling the Carrot Juice

I really don't want this to be a juicing blog.  But let's face it: when you're fifteen days into a juice fast, it's hard to have anything else on your mind.  I'm consumed with it.  I have to say that overall it's going pretty damn well.  Surprisingly so, really.

The only thing that is really, really hard is that I am hungry.  I mean that gnawing, twisting kind of hunger that makes you hold your stomach until it finally growls.  Now, I will say that those hunger pangs go away pretty quickly if I just drink some juice or water.  So, the rest of the hunger or craving comes from a mental place. Those are harder.

You see, I'm a foodie.  I love to cook and I love to eat.  Hell, I went to culinary school.  I am passionate about all of it.  So, to torture myself, I still watch some cooking shows, read cooking magazines, and leaf through cookbooks to plan for my 'post-fast' days.

I must be some kind of sick ass.  Because this makes it all the more harder.  God, I have a love-hate relationship with food stylists.  I think they are artists.  There should be museums devoted to their work (if there aren't).  They are demi-gods.  Especially when you consider some of the processed crap in food advertisements that they are actually making look like haute cuisine.  Seriously, it is incredible.

Having said that, viewing their art, watching the television, and reading articles has not helped my hunger cause.  So, it was really interesting to me when my Mexican Messiah stopped by to impart his infinite fasting wisdom today.  He said,

"It gets a lot easier after day 14".

I'm on day 15.

He then said,

"After that, you just stop being hungry".


I guess I'll wait for that.  In the meantime, someone make sure and tell me if there's a fly sitting on my eye.  Because I am freaking starving.  

I gotta go juice a cucumber.  Let's see how I feel on Day 17.  

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